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"It never hurts to see the good in someone, they often act the better because of it."

Nelson Mandela

Cristiano Dias (PI)

Group Lunch 2023
St. Patrick's day - 2023
Proposal defense 2021
NJIT - 2017
Lunch - 2018
Fall 2019
BPS 2015
Dias lab - 2012
Dias lab - 2016
Dias lab - 2015
  • Associate Professor - Department of Physics (NJIT).


  • Sabbatical leave 2020-2021​ in the group of Mikko Haataja



Warin Rangubpit (Post-doc)

  • Project: Membrane damage by supramolecular peptides​


  • Previously, PDF at Kasetsart University.

Sandeepani Thilakaratne
(PhD student)

Picture - Sandeepani.jpg
  • Project: Peptide aggregation in bulk solution and interfaces​



Gizem Torabfam

  • Project: Effects of salt on peptide aggregation 



Siwaporn Sungted (visiting PhD student
Kasetsart University)

Zahra Ramezanpour
(PhD student)


  • Project: Peptide aggregation at polar-nonpolar interfaces



  • Project: TBD​



Tasnima Rahman ( undergraduate )

Yousef Mortaja (undergraduate)

  • Project: Predicting peptides that can form amyloid fibrils.


  • Undergraduate student (Mechanical Engineering)


  • Project: Peptide design. 


  • Undergraduate student (Mechanical Engineering)


Motunrayo A. Shoyinka

Burhan Shah (undergraduate)

  • Project: Predicting peptides that can form amyloid fibrils.


  • Undergraduate student (Mechanical Engineering)


  • Project: Peptide design. 


  • Undergraduate student (Biology)


Monthly group meetings of Nilsson and Dias lab members. 



Yanxing Yang (PhD student)

Sharareh Jalali (PhD student)

  • Thesis title: "Interaction of proteins with lipid bilayers".


  • Bsc and PhD at Wuhan University.


  • Previously, Associate professor at Jiangxi Normal University.


  • Thesis title: Protein aggregation into amyloid fibrils.


  • BSc and MSc in Biomedical engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology


  • Previously: Healthcare Consultant- Roche Diagnostics, Middle East



Zhaoqian Su (PhD student)

Farbod Mahmoudinobar (PhD student)

  • Thesis title: "Effects of osmolytes on protein conformations"


  • Research Interests: (i) Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation for Protein Self-Assembly (ii) Signal Transduction across Cell Membrane: Outside-in and Inside-out (iii) Effect of Organic molecules/Drugs on Protein Stability.


  • Zhaoqian has abundant experience in protein design, model building, Molecular Dynamics simulations, AI.   




  • Now at the Data Science Institute at Vanderbilt University mentored by Prof. Meiler.


  • Previously: PDF at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (with Yinghao Wu).



  • In his free time, Zhaoqian enjoys reading books and playing soccer.

  • Thesis title: "Thermodynamical stability of amyloid fibrils".​


  • Now a research scientists at Moderna.

Chitra Narayan (PDF)

  • Research Interests: (i) intrinsically disordered proteins, (ii) protein misfolding and disease, (iii) enzyme allostery and function, and (iv) antimicrobial peptides


  • Now an Assistant Professor at York College (CUNY).


Shaneen Singh (Visiting Prof.)

Shaneen Singh Cropped.jpg
  • Full Professor at Brooklyn College (CUNY)


  • Sabattical Leave in the Dias lab (Fall 2020 and Fall 2021).​


Undergraduate students

High School students

  • Jadhy Michalowski (Undergraduate Summer Provost Fellow, URI Seed Grant)


  • Liyan Cheung ( NYU undergraduate student in biomedical engineering, Summer Intern).


  • Kojo Acquaisie (Undergraduate Summer Provost Fellow, URI Seed Grant).


  • Lindsey Riggs (Undergraduate Summer Provost Fellow, URI Seed Grant) - Now a PhD student at Rutgers-Camden.


  • Tiffany Oliveira (ACS-PRF) - Now a PhD student in Chemistry at Rutgers-Newark


  • Maliha Matthew (Undergraduate Summer Provost Fellow)


  • Daniel Deboer (Undergraduate Summer Provost Fellow)


  • Jiajie Xu (Summer student) - Now a Master student in Physics at Georgia University


  • Gopal Ravindhran (Undergraduate Summer Provost Fellow) - Now a graduate student in Bioinformatics at NJIT.


  • Nicole Callen (NASA fellowship) - Now a researcher at ExxonMobil.


  • Albert Fraser (Undergraduate Summer Provost Fellow) 

  • Patrick Rehain (NASA fellowship) - Now PhD student in Physics at Stevens Institute of Technology


  • Michael Papili (NASA fellowship) - Now a Sr. Linux analyst at Bloomberg LP


Check some of the youtube videos produced by Michael:

     Gromacs Tutorial       and          Real Time Visualization of Gromacs



  • Irina Wong -


  • Akash Prasad - Now an undergraduate student at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • Eric Schuman, Hebert Li​


  • Sope Fofah - Now an undergraduate student at Rutgers University in cell biology and neuroscience.


  • Terence Williams (SEED student) - Now an undergraduate student at Rutgers University in Computer Science


  • Jolarys Torres (SEED student) - Now an undergraduate student at Rutgers University in Biochemistry

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