"Those who prefer safety to freedom are slaves."
- Aristoteles -

The Dias lab, located in the Department of Physics at NJIT, utilizes computer simulations to provide a better understanding of biological systems and diseases. In addition to very long unbiased all-atom simulations of large systems, the lab also uses enhanced sampling methods, and develops new methodology whenever needed to answer critical questions.
Several of the research projects in the Dias lab are in collaboration with experimental and theoretical partners. Thus, do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in collaborating.
Zhaoqian Su is starting a career as a research scientist at Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Congrats Zhaoqian ! You deserve it. (Jan. 2025)
Dias visited the group of Prof. Jirasak Wong-ekkabut at Kasetsart University in Thailand for a week (Nov. 2024). Thanks for hosting us, Jirasak.
Sharareh is now starting a new chapter of her career at "Alnylam". Have fun, Sharareh ! (Nov. 2024).
An article (for non-experts) highlighting Sharareh's work on amyloid fibrils was published on the Pittsburgh Supercomputer website (Oct. 2024):
Yanxing started a new position as Assistant Professor at Caldwell University. Congrats, Prof. Yanxing! (Sep. 2024)
Warin's artwork just made the cover of ACS Chemical Neuroscience (June 2024).
Gizem's paper features in the cover of the Journal of Physics Chemistry B (March 2024).
Exchange PhD student New (from Kasetsart University) will be staying at NJIT for a year (Feb. 2024)
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut(Kasetsart University in Thailand) and his PhD students are visiting NJIT for two weeks (Feb. 2024)
Welcome to the lab Zahra (Jan. 2024).​
Welcome to the lab Sandeepani (Sep. 2023).
Chitra is starting a new position as Assistant Professor at York College-CUNY (Sep. 2023).
Welcome to the Dias lab, Gizem (Sep. 2023).
Sharareh defended successfully her PhD thesis (Aug. 2023). Congrats, Dr. Jalali.
Jadhy presented her project at the Undergraduate Summer Provost Symposium (July 2023).
Warin presented a poster at the Protein Society meeting (July 2023).
The Dias lab is presenting at BPS and APS meetings (Feb/Mar 2023).
Warin is joining our Lab. Welcome Warin (Feb. 2023).
The Dias lab presented seminars at Brooklyn College and the Amyloid Symposium zoominar. Thanks for the invitation Shaneen and Rams (Dec. 2023).
Dias in now part of the advisory committee board of Biophysical Chemistry. (Nov. 2023).
Yanxing's paper got accepted in J. Phys. Chem. B (Jan. 2023).
Welcome to the lab, Sandeepani (Sep. 2022).
Yanxing Yang is the newest Doctor on the block. Congrats, Yanxing (Sep. 2022) !!!
Brigita Urbanc presented a very informative seminar at NJIT. Thanks for accepting the invitation, Brigita.
Yanxing's paper just got published in ACS Chemical Neuroscience (Sep. 2022).
Zhaoqian just moved to the Data Science Institute at Vanderbilt University (Sep. 2022).
Prof. Matej Kanduc is visiting our group (July 2022)
Sharareh's paper just got published !
Farbod is now starting a new chapter of his career at "Moderna". Have fun, Farbod ! (Oct. 2021).
Congratulations to Sharareh and Yanxing for passing their proposal defense (Aug. 2021)!
Yanxing's paper just made it to the main cover of ACS Chemical Neuroscience (June 2021).​​​​​​
Old News can be found HERE !
Biophysical Society Meeting - 2024.​
Protein Society - 2023.
Biophysical Society Meeting - 2023.​
American Physical Society Meeting - 2023.
Biophysical Society Meeting - 2022.​
American Physical Society Meeting - 2022.​
35th Gibbs Conference - 2021.
Mid-Atlantic session of the American Physical Society (MAS-APS 2020) - Dec. 4-5, 2020
34th Gibbs Conference - Oct. 4-5, 2020.
21th International Conference on Alzheimer's Drug Discovery - Oct. 5-6, 2020.
Biophysical Society Meeting - Feb. 15-19, 2020.
International Symposium on Pathomechanisms of Alzheimer's diseases - Dec. 18-20, 2019.
20th International Conference on Alzheimer's Drug Discovery - Sep. 16-17, 2019