Zhaoqian's paper with Saman Alavi just got published.
The Dias lab is presenting seminars/posters at MAS-APS 2020 (Dec. 2020).
Prof. Singh from Brooklyn college (CUNY) is spending some time in our group (Sep. 2020).
Yanxing had fun presenting a poster at the 34th Gibbs Conference (Oct. 2020) !
Our manuscript with Luis Cruz (Drexel University) made the cover of J. Chem. Phys. B (March 2020).
Lindsey was awarded a DAAD-Rise fellowship to spend the summer in Berlin (Germany).UPDATE: the program was cancelled this summer due to the covid-19 outbreak (February 2020).
Lindsey and Jivin received an URI-seed grant from NJIT to study fibril formation. Congrats ! (November 2019).
Our first group member, Chitra Narayanan, just started as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at New Jersey City University (September 2019).
Farbod started a post-doctoral position at NYU/flatiron institute (October 2019).
Yangxing Yang is a new PhD student in our group (Summer 2019).
Congratulations to the most recent PhD from the Department of Physics: Farbod Mahmoudinobar !!!! Good job, Farbod (September 2019).
Congratulations to Lindsey Riggs and Tiffany Olivera for presenting their research at NJIT's 2019 Summer Provost Symposium (August 2019). ​
The group presented a seminar at CCNY (April 2019).
Farbod's paper with Bradley Nilsson got accepted in JCTC (April 2019).
Farbod is giving an oral presentation at APS (March 2019).
The group gave a seminar at Rutgers-Newark (March 2019).
Sharareh Jalali joined our group (Sep. 2018).
The group presented a seminar at CCNY (April 2019).
Farbod's paper with Bradley Nilsson got accepted in JCTC (April 2019).
Farbod is giving an oral presentation at APS (March 2019)
The group gave a seminar at Rutgers-Newark (March 2019).
Congratulations to the most recent PhD from the Department of Physics: Farbod Mahmoudinobar !!!! Good job, Farbod (September 2019).
Congratulations to Lindsey Riggs and Tiffany Olivera for presenting their research at NJIT's 2019 Summer Provost Symposium (August 2019).
Sharareh Jalali joined our group (Sep. 2018).
Gennady is organizing a mini-workshop on Molecular Simulations at NJIT. Thanks for inviting us Gennady (May 2018)
Farbod presented a poster at BPS (Feb. 2018).
Zhaoqian and Gopal's paper got published in JCPB (Feb. 2018).
​Congratulations to the new doctor on the block: Zhaoqian Su (Dec. 2017).
​The group is on NJIT's weekly news ! Check HERE.
Zhaoqian is in the news HERE.
Zhaoqian's paper just got accepted in PRL (Aug. 2017).
Our project on clathrate formation got funded by the American Chemical Society (June 2017).
Zhaoqian received the "Outstanding Graduate student" award from CSLA, NJIT (May 2017).
Invited talk Rutgers-Camden (Nov. 2016).
Invited talk at APS Mid-Atlantic section (Oct. 2016).
Chitra was awarded a posdoc fellowship from INRS (Sep. 2016).
The group was a awarded a seed grant from NJIT (Sep. 2016).
Invited talk at HPBB 2016 (July 2016).
We received an award for "Excellence in Undergraduate Education", CSLA, NJIT (May 2016).